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Mark Gorkin
Founder, Stress Doc EnterprisesMark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a nationally acclaimed speaker, popular webinar educator, writer, and "Motivational Psychohumorist" ™.
Mark is a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Diaspora Behavioral Health & Wellness Initiative and is a Cross-Cultural Diversity Training Speaker & Consultant for numerous Federal Agencies. The Doc is also a Leadership and Life Coach as well as a Clinical Therapist for Inner City Family Services, Washington, DC.
A former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, he has led numerous Pre-Deployment Stress Resilience-Humor-Team Building Retreats for the US Army. Presently, Mark does Cross-Cultural Facilitation and Presentations for organizational/corporate clients of HR Consulting Firm PRM.
The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger, and Preserving Human Touch in a High-Tech World. Mark’s award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – – was called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR).
Recorded-webinar by: Mark Gorkin
IM4** Performance-Leadership™: Architecture and Artistry for Being Compelling and Captivating
Perhaps you can deliver a clear message but do you know how to compel and captivate a team, a boardroom, or a large audience? In fact, do you know the difference between compelling and captivating, and why it’s vital for Hi-Task & Human Touch” Leadership?
Next, are you ready to discover and develop your “Passion Power” ™? Are you prepared to pull it all together and become a high-power presenter and an IM4 Performance-Leader?
Not a small challenge But, have no fear, the Stress Doc is here with his clear and concise, compelling and captivating Performance Leadership skills and strategies, tools and techniques. Let the Doc awaken, arouse, and amaze you with his “Get FIT” – FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking – programs and presentations. For both individuals and groups, learn to creatively anticipate, envision, and design your leadership mindset and motivational method.
Turn concepts and skills into dynamic, “how to” learning and leadership lab exercises. Bring your courageous and vulnerable, genuine and compassionate, and TnT (Tough n’ Tender) self. Discover a “Helmet’s Off” approach for building group openness, trust, and collaboration. Finally, evolve as an inspiring orchestra leader helping individuals and the collective bring out their best – most productive-collaborative-innovative – music!
Inner And Outer Diversity and Inclusion: Designing and Delivering an Innovative and Interactive D/I Community
In today's TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology – driven & distracted world, professionals must bring their most complex and creative ideas and skills, insights and strategies to the world of hi-tech and human touch. Learn Seven Key Questions to determine the authenticity of a D/I workplace culture. Also critical is having a 4A workplace environment that fosters Authority, Autonomy, Accountability, and Accessibility. Learn to identify 4A barriers and to build 4A bridges.
Are you ready to create an open, less status-driven “Helmet’s Off” culture? First, we must recognize the danger and opportunity in “letting go”. Next, we need to help people overcome fear and a sense of loss (of control and status), before we can enable them expand their personal-communicational options and new workplace opportunities. Other D/I key include a) the ability to tolerate the frustration of a new learning curve, b) embracing novelty and diverse uniqueness, and c) problem-solving from multiple and inclusive-collaborative viewpoints. Discover the Stress Doc's Passion Power Model; and bring it to life with his acclaimed “Confronting the Intimate FOE” team-building exercises.
- Critical questions regarding a workplace culture
- 4 “A” for fostering Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, and D/I
- The importance of dealing with loss and change
- Creating a “Helmet’s Off” and “Hands-On” workplace
- Stress Doc’s structure and strategies for D/I participatory teaming
Tools and Tactics for Post-Traumatic Growth: Managing Stress, Loss & Trauma
Our world and workplace may be entering a post-COVID work phase, but traumatic if not crisis events continue to make their heart-aching presence – whether a beloved colleague’s debilitating stroke, an unexpected late-stage cancer diagnosis, a colleague’s suicide, or a “going postal” situation. Of course, other forms of loss – from downsizing to quiet quitting and disconnecting with remote employees.
This program will help all levels of employees understand the importance of and engage with grief work and recognize the dangers and “growth opportunities” in separation and loss, trauma, and crisis. There’s a new mission-critical! (Sending one person to EAP may not address group stress, conflict, and grief... along with the need for community growth.) All may need to face the pain of a hazardous present along with embracing past emotional echoes to recognize and defuse the personal crisis and trauma triggers. The psycho-ecological payoff: building inner strength, trust, and creative-collaborative bonds!
Transforming Anger and Conflict Into Collaborative Problem Solving: The Stress Doc’s Four Faces Of Anger – Model And Method
Today’s always on, TNT–Time-Numbers-Technology/Transition–Driven and Distracted World can breed tension and conflict.
Discover the Four Angry “I” s and the Stress Doc’s “Four Faces of Anger” Model for transforming anger, rage, and conflict into productive dialogue and conflict resolution. Learn and practice skills and strategies for :
1) disarming power struggles by asking trust-building, “good questions” and
2) providing and receiving all kinds of feedback, even how to deal constructively with a critical aggressor.Understand the difference between “acknowledgement” and “agreement” and lyrically disarm or emotionally detach from “Yes, butters” and self-centered types. Use the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles Inventory to discover your style of conflict; and learn how to engage in collaborative conflict resolution. Learn how to appropriately and strategically use humor to disarm pressure packed situations.